Embark on your journey to renewed beauty with Fotona4D®, a leading-edge face treatment that is transforming the landscape of facial rejuvenation. This advanced, non-surgical procedure taps into a sophisticated combination of laser technologies to comprehensively address the signs of skin aging.

Fotona4D® sets itself apart by treating both superficial and deeper skin layers, promising a thorough facial rejuvenation experience.

  • SMOOTH®, a non-ablative intraoral treatment that works from the inside out, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin for a more youthful appearance. This portion of the treatment targets jowls and lifts the lower face. It can be done as a standalone treatment and is a great option for those looking to improve tightness and laxity in the lower face.


  • FRAC3® addresses pigmentation irregularities and superficial fine lines  with precision laser technology, revealing a clearer and smoother complexion.


  • PIANO® penetrates deep into the skin and delivers gentle but powerful heating, targeting sagging areas and enhancing the overall skin tone.


  • SupErficial is the final touch that involves a gentle laser peel, exfoliating the skin’s outermost layer, leaving you with a renewed and vibrant glow.


Fotona4D®‘s distinct four-mode system ensures targeted treatment of various skin concerns, from collagen stimulation to surface texture improvement, offering a complete facial rejuvenation. Its versatility and efficacy make it a highly sought-after solution for individuals looking to rejuvenate their appearance without the need for invasive surgery.

Given its comprehensive approach and significant results, the Fotona4D® facelift cost represents a valuable investment in your skin’s health and appearance. While facial rejuvenation cost can vary based on individual needs and treatment scope, Fotona4D® offers lasting benefits that contribute to a youthful, radiant complexion, making it an invaluable addition to your skincare regimen.



Embrace the transformative power of Fotona4D®, a leading-edge facial rejuvenation technology designed to revitalize your appearance without the need for invasive surgery.

Fotona4D® is renowned for its ability to deliver comprehensive face treatment results, combining multiple laser modalities to enhance skin texture, tone, and overall youthfulness.

This procedure targets various skin layers, offering a holistic approach to skin renewal that traditional methods cannot match.

Before your Fotona4D® session, it’s important to prepare your skin and body for the treatment. Taking an extra strength Tylenol 30 minutes prior to your appointment can help alleviate any discomfort, upon approval from your primary care physician.

Avoid blood thinners or Ibuprofen 24 hours before treatment and minimize direct sun exposure while applying broad-spectrum sunscreen diligently. Following your provider’s skincare regimen is also crucial for ensuring your skin is in optimal condition for the treatment.



During the procedure, applying numbing cream in advance ensures your comfort throughout the session.

Ensure your skin is free from makeup, creams, lotions, or perfumes, and remove any jewelry or contact lenses.

Our team will guide you through the preparatory steps, including cleansing and disinfecting your skin before capturing a set of photos to document your journey to a younger-looking you.



After Fotona4D®, the downtime is surprisingly minimal, though you may experience a burning sensation initially.

The skin might feel dry and have a sandpaper-like texture as it heals; maintaining moisture is key. We recommend Sente Dermal Repair Ultra Nourish for optimal skin nourishment during recovery.

It’s essential to use gentle skincare products and avoid direct sun exposure, ensuring the longevity of your facial rejuvenation results by applying broad-spectrum SPF consistently.

Fotona4D® not only represents an advancement in laser skin resurfacing cost and efficiency but also embodies a shift towards non-invasive aesthetic treatments that respect the body’s natural healing processes while delivering outstanding results.


What is Fotona4D® treatment? How does it work?

Fotona4D®  is an advanced non-surgical facial treatment that utilizes a combination of laser technologies to rejuvenate the skin by targeting multiple layers and dimensions, resulting in comprehensive skin transformation.

Fotona4D® is a cutting-edge, non-surgical facial treatment that leverages a suite of laser technologies for holistic skin rejuvenation. This innovative approach utilizes four unique laser modes: SmoothLiftin, FRAC3®, PIANO®, and SupErficial, each designed to stimulate collagen production, tackle pigmentation issues, firm up the skin, and improve overall skin texture. By engaging different layers of the skin, Fotona4D® offers a comprehensive transformation that revitalizes the skin from within.

What are the benefits of Fotona4D® treatment?

The Fotona4D® treatment provides a multi-dimensional approach to skin care, offering benefits such as reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, improved skin laxity, and a more even skin tone. Its versatility makes it suitable for a broad range of skin concerns, ensuring long-lasting rejuvenation with minimal downtime, making it an attractive option for those looking to enhance their skin’s natural beauty without extensive facial rejuvenation costs.

Is Fotona4D® treatment painful?

Discomfort during Fotona4D® treatment is typically minimal, thanks to the use of numbing agents that ensure a comfortable experience for most patients. The treatment is designed to be as pain-free as possible, with particular attention to patient comfort throughout the procedure.

How many Fotona4D® sessions are needed for results?

While some patients may observe noticeable improvements after just one session, the optimal results of Fotona4D® often require multiple sessions. The exact number of sessions will depend on individual skin conditions and desired outcomes, which your provider will discuss with you to tailor a specific treatment plan.

Is there downtime after Fotona4D® treatment?

Fotona4D® is known for its minimal downtime, especially when compared to more invasive procedures. Common post-treatment sensations include redness, swelling, and a mild burning feeling, which generally subside within a few days, allowing most patients to return to their regular activities shortly after treatment.

When will I see results from Fotona4D® treatment?

Immediate post-treatment results include a noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone, but the full benefits of collagen remodeling take time to manifest. Complete results typically become visible within a month, with continued improvement over the following months as the skin naturally rejuvenates.

How long do Fotona4D® results last?

The rejuvenating effects of Fotona4D® are long-lasting due to the underlying collagen remodeling process. To maintain these results, periodic touch-up treatments may be recommended based on your skin’s needs and aging process.

Can Fotona4D® be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Fotona4D® can be seamlessly integrated into a comprehensive facial rejuvenation plan, complementing other treatments like dermal fillers or Botox. This collaborative approach allows for a personalized regimen that addresses a wide range of aesthetic goals, enhancing the overall facial rejuvenation cost efficiency and outcomes.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

The information presented on this site is intended for general information purposes only. This information is not intended to be and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a licensed professional for advice and recommended treatments.

Results may vary. We are reputable for complete customer satisfaction for completed treatments. Before and after images reflect real results from real patients, although individual results may vary. No treatment is promised to provide permanent results. A guarantee is neither provided nor implied. Statements estimating treatment duration, cost, and the number of treatments required are based on the typical experience of our patients, however, individual experiences may vary.


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